Saturday, May 22, 2010

49 years, 2 days

So we are on the hunt for a puppy. When Dakota came home from daughters' home after being with Millie for four days she has done nothing but mope! we go again...but...we are so excited!

Friday, May 21, 2010

49 Years, 1 Day

So today I am 49 years old and 1 day. I am the last of the McLean kids to be in the forty years....and my oldest niece is in her first year of the 40's. So I thought it would be fun to write down my daily thoughts. They might be deep in thought or light and airy...we'll see what comes from my fingers. As I enter into this last year of 49 I wonder what adventures will come my way.
So today as I was leaving the coast with husband I realized what a wonderful life I have. We ate breakfast with a view of the bay...what a great way to start the day. Life is good!